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tv   Instagram Founders  CSPAN  July 4, 2013 10:00pm-11:11pm EDT

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a restaurant. a lot of others. --t of that was being part being able to share an image with your check in. it turns out that the people who use bourbon the most loved the part where you could share an image. loved said that she posting photos, but she said that she did not take photos as well as her friends. usesd, that's because greg some apps. was --zed that the key there were two keys, photography was the key and we had to make it accessible. through doing that, the rest is history.
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we came back marked vacation -- we came back from our vacation and we put instagram together in 2-3 weeks. >> who came up with the name? >> good question. it was my job to research the name. like a ceo, i spent one week trying to research a day. once it was codenamed her a long time. -- >> it was codenamed for a long time. hise did not want to use bourbon to be upset. listre sitting with a big were crossinge things off. we're down to two things. we said instagram and that was it. things clicked. it was the combination of instinct and telegram -- instant and telegram..
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>> what was it like on launch day? you had integration with twitter right off the bat. was it tremendous growth from day one? -- did it few weeks? take a few weeks? >> we're going to get the press lean -- we were going to get the press lined up and hope that no one leaked it early. it did take a couple of hours to do it. we said that we would play it safe and hit the button at midnight. kevin hit the button that is house -- at his house. we immediately have people signing up -- had people signing up. interest anding up
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we let all the testers share it on twitter, instead of keeping its supersecret. testers great group of who were silicon valley designers and engineers. people we knew from florida. they were drumming up interest. we had a sign up within one minute. a.m. and it was freezing. i was so nervous. sure enough, the sinus started coming in. -- the sign-ups started coming in. day, we were beginners. we made business mistakes.
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we said -- john gruber said that it was an interesting cap that cap --d not use it -- app, but, he would not use it. we were hosted in a single machine that was about as powerful as our laptops are. asked for more machines and more capacity. they said, it will be like four days. i said, we need it right now. two days later, we decide to switch to amazon's clouds service. when memorial day hit, we added capacity. that you the things ,uys, it seems, in retrospect
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that you guys were slow to hire. later, when you're , why hadyou had grown you only acquisitions seven people. ? >> iceman the majority of my time time now recruiting and hiring in talking to people -- i spent the majority of my time now recruiting, hiring, and talking to people. the doubling happened quickly. we were slow to grow. we felt handcuffed to our computers keeping this site up. not a lot of people understand how hard it was to make instagram solvents in the beginning. weekends with friends and
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girlfriends, it was always something different. whether it was japan waking up in us having to make sure that up, weto keep the site would be like, all japan is waking up. the server a large to be going off. we do not take the time to find people who could guess out of that rut. that was a working mistake. at the same time, this site and service it would not be there without hiring the best team that technology is ever seen. people toged understand what is going on by touching the servers. like, you know, shane, one of our early engineers, help us insideout the problems
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the servers. youran put computers on desk and they just work. we are nothing but servers lighting on fire. we're talking to many people act axis in a computer at one time will stop figuring out how to get around that is not easy. mike was doing statistics and graphical work. i was doing marketing. we had to figure this stuff out from scratch. hiring was one of the keeping that we get along the way. finding the right people and building the core team was instrumental. >> will be able to not realize peopleiring is, -- what do not realize about hiring is, by the time you need to hire people, it is too late. talking to people today, they'll tell you know, and then they will say, i am rated talk.
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>> there's a couple of months ramping up. let's please not realize that. -- >> we did not realize that. in the first version of instagram, there were issues around tagging. #seven big for you guys. hastags have been big for you guys. #fashion has 22 million photos. there are symptomatic of begin -- there are some magnificent sweaters on there. do you plan on expanding these features?
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we were a small group of 100 people. one of the things we imagine was -- i'll take it back to my --a colleague said, sunday, everyone is going to use twitter. i said, that is weird. there are 80 of us using it right now. there was a moment in time when google had a couple of users. there is a moment of time when facebook was college only -- call in-only. one of the thick -- college- only. one of the things we have done well is to find our vision -- defining our vision. whether it is mitigating about
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activism -- communicating about meal,sm or how to cook a we believe that visual media is a way to do it. organicallyt #'s gathered together -- gather it together. walls evolved to become something richer -- how do the tools involved becomes of the richer? where does this go? >> not enough people know what are.ags they are a way of categorizing. you tag it with a word. was the photo and
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it will of other photos similarly tagged. you can type in any keyword on our service. you can see all the cooking images. it is a great way to discover. as a great way to discover new users and new content. things that you would never have expected on instagram. people submitting a pot roast. it forms communities around things. you see communities gather around surfing and actual locations. i think, allow people to find each other, that is the key of instagram. because we had this so early on, it allowed communities to grow from the very beginning. that is key to where we're going in the future. example, ising, for typically someone saying "look
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at my dish." is it something that will eventually create groups are collections of images? >> would've the earliest things we sketched out -- one of the earliest things we sketched out was every page of the application. pages thatone of the we built on paper and never implemented. i could see us in limiting richer tools for us to come together. i think our goal is to capture the world's moments. and we can build the tools that allow you to capture those -- if we can build most will allow you to capture those moments, i think we have succeeded. came out of us seeing camepeople do -- hasta
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out of us seeing what people do. people really wanted this feature. we watched them misuse our product for so long, that we decided it would be a great area to take advantage of. shanees someone like oliver, who is a kind of "any huge audience, how to does he express himself? himself?es he express >> simple rules, when put into large systems, can create really beautiful patterns. -- g able to add #'s
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hashtags with location tags is simple. but, a lot people use instagram to get words out for their clot -- to get the word out for the cause. that instagram can be extreme and powerful. vine?t you think of interesting. is it is the evolution of mobile video. not a lot of people on the radio vinenow what finance -- is. did not say that instagram is here to capture all the world's photography. for a long time, we have interested in video. vine has done that well.
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i think is about right place, right time, right technology. how many people have pulled out their phone and can barely get an image load -- to load. video faces an extreme challenge. you are trying to put 30 pictures per second. success inieves will create aideo beautiful experience. what do you have full control of the product -- >> do you have full control of the product? up.e have a roadmap set we know what we want to work on.
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we have 16 engineers. it is not a huge team, it is a bigger team. however, it is for 100 million users. but that is insane. -- >> that is insane. -- next thing want to tackle what we have always tried to do is figure out how we can make this experience better. how can we go deeper? how point experience better or smart the one that we have right works fine. it could be better. in our case, i think we made since is it better. happiness level multiplies every time people use your product. it feels good.
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but how do you feel about ?orting instagram would you ever go on google glass in the future? >> it will be confined to a single platform or device. a mobile phone is the right which use instagram today. i do not know where the vices are going to go. -- devices are going to go. i think google glass is extremely interesting. it is greatest the world changing. -- it is great to see the world changing. for the first year and a half, for the first year a half, -- how many people are on the android?
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almost half, actually. half do not think that is -- flex i did nothing those half -- i do not think that was half. flex for everyone -- flex for everyone on radio --> >> for radio.e a radio -- on >> i had to count backwards. >> let's get this right. how many people are instagram users? about half. i lost my train of thought.
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you have to be ok with taking a risk that might annoy some users. we lost two of our most passionate bourbon users. our appld not use because they were on android. we were two guys and what it focuses on the specific -- and wanted to focus on something specific. if you look at our service, you have to understand that some people get very upset and 90 will stop you to take a step back and think about whether or not you're listening to the majority or a vocal minority. people are saying, instagram is going to be the worst. careful, people in this
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room will come after you. >> i've been generous. there was one but the people being upset. now, everyone is on instagram. the pattern has repeated for ever. where the things we say is, we may not always be right, but we are not confused. we learn from what we learned. but let's change directions and talk about the acquisition space -- base. who reached out? was it zuckerberg? sunday morning, i woke up and there was zuck.
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out first?hed >> it is a great question. 2005.nd i met in room, in myr to a fraternity, hanging out with a guy who knew a lot about tec in my fraternity. the guy in my fraternity was like, he made facebook. amazing.ould be >> that would be amazing. >> we met then, i thought that he was very interesting. long story short, there was a time when i'm thinking about leaving school and working at facebook. i decided to finish school. we kept in touch. i think the relationship meant we had a continued conversation.
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mark to this great thing. he cares about a lot of entrepreneurs starting interesting companies. part of this philosophy is to continue to learn what is out in the world. mark and i had that relationship set up. it was less of a one call and more of an evolving relationship. >> when did the topic,? -- when didng up the topic come up? out?you hanging -- it is likeing dating. >> god, does anyone have a shovel?
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>> i'm never going to get through this. he and i were waiting out and i said, do you imagine a world where facebook and instagram were combined? it took a while to get an honest answer. oft was the beginning conversations that lead us to combine forces. it led to an important partnership between facebook and instagram. 34 on our over property. over 100 other people supporting instagram on a daily basis. testament to our committed they have been to helping us grow. did he see you as a threat? >> i don't know. we never talked about that
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specifically. we talked about how our two products shared with each other. instagram allows you to share to multiple services. the question i got was, why would i use instagram if i could just use facebook? can beam theou photo to all of these places at once. that is where the key features that that make people excited about using instagram. we're talking about what we could create together, it was about how we could make this go deeper. had we make sharing more of a thing -- how do we make sharing more of a thing? there are a lot of people use instagram and facebook. it is like the portfolio theory of grabbing things and putting them together to create a menu of options for your tumors --
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consumers. ofspeaking of the menu options, i will say something that you cannot say. facebook is not a hot new start up. you guys are. why did these social networks age? ?ow are they no longer hip why do consumer habits change? do you have any theories? but i think it is about being fresh, there and then. think, from the beginning, on instagram, you could follow people and follow them back. but you do not have to follow the people who follow you. kevin takes good photos, i want
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to follow him. jeremy sox, i want to on follow him. they don't get notification. have two way following. we want to keep it simple, though. companies reinvent themselves. true.k not being new is facebook has been around for nine years. that happens to every network. every startup goes through the honeymoon phase. people say that is the most exciting new demand rather hands-on. that phase for instagram continues. love willthing people stop it is passionate. it is -- love. they are passionate.
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the fact that people are driving down the vote drive -- menlo i can work on a product that inspires me people, that is what gets me up in the morning. we have one million users who use this every month. every day brings new challenges. that's a continuing interest in frost -- that is what keeps it new and interesting for us. kevin touches on something really good there. people have generally heard of instagram. i stop qualifying its. you will know what it is now. we have had all this international growth over the last six months. russia is taking off will stop
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people have heard of it but never used it. -- russia is taking off. people have heard of it but have never used it. what's your point part of facebook, they make money -- >> you are part of facebook. they make money. >> women went out to venture capitalists and the folks who gave you checks early on to start a company, we made a promise to make instagram a self-sustaining business was up -- business. facebook paid quite a bit of money to have instagram command. -- come in. we have always had plans. it is about when and how. we care so much about the community and how the product works. we want to make sure, whether we
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are introducing a new feature or a form of advertising, that it feels right for the community and the application. want not at -- we do not it to change the experience you all love. at the same time, i think there theways -- think about magazine, low, for instance -- instance, it turns out that people think advertising is really compelling. there are examples of companies and media channels that do very well and are thoughtful about it. that is what we are here to do. first and foremost, we are here to make awesome products. ability to the
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capture the world's moments. we want to be around for many years. in order to do that, we have to support our endeavors. >> yahoo last week with their photo app announced accounts with more storage capabilities, high resolution photos. do you have any kind of pro account where people pay? flickr has had pro accounts. i was a user for a while. >> then they reconfigured it. >> we are not in the business of charging folks a subscription. filterssk about premium , and it is not what gets me up in the morning to build a big business. mike and diary passionate about building a business that is sustainable and brings in real revenue. be true't seen that
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with a lot of these subscription models, especially around services -- instagram is unique in that it is very community, and that is our greatest asset. we want to make sure our community feel loved and feel like they do not have to pay to access the features that we want to build. >> when was the last time you launch the new filter? >> three or four months ago. onis that something you plan constantly tweaking and rolling out new folders over time? -- filters over time? >> i will say something to this room that i think will surprise you. it is that instagram is not a photography company. i said this the first day i went to facebook, and people said i'm a actually it is a photography company. it is not. it is a communications company. it is about communicating a moment and sending it to people in real time. it just so happens that the message happens to be an image.
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the more we think about instagram as photography, of course an hour dean -- in our dna, we are about photography. we believe in photographers and photographers rights. it is something more than that. it is about communicating a message. we dialed it down to the point where we realize the features we work on are going to be about community and communication. we do not wake up in the morning thinking about what four filters can we add it tomorrow, because frankly that is driving straight into photography. what we would rather see his other apps innovate and make awesome filters. there are a ton out there that i use on a daily basis, and i bring my photos and stu instagram. we want innovation to happen there. we want to focus on the network and the communication. >> do you think instagram becomes more of a news outlet in the way that twitter is? you go to twitter and you see
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trending topics, breaking news. i saw a bunch of different photos on instagram during the things that happened in boston. do you see it as becoming this real-time platform for people saying, i just caught something amazing, and i want to share that. agoe had a moment to weeks -- two weeks ago. this is an amazing thing with working with facebook. you have a whole department that helps you out. team, our very first higher was josh. contracting in the community, sourcing great contact. we have a great blog. cnn are constantly playing thomas cnbc, news channels 24/7. when they spot interesting things going on around the world, be it happy news, a wry
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it, the stuff in boston, they turned to the community and say, can we source human stories happening on instagram? if you look at these photos that happen, the explosion in texas a couple of months ago, i went on and i was looking at the # -- hastag. -- hashtag. almost every picture had a comment on it from a person from cnn a.m., wow, can i use a photo in the broadcast? people are looking at instagram as a source and saying, what are real people experiencing? >> they are doing that through hashtags? also location tags. what are people taking photos of right here and now? >> one of the things -- i was watching the giants play in the ballpark, and i pulled up the stadium, and i was watching the photos coming in -- they were youreal-time grade will
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provide more tools run that so people can see and explore something like that, an event happening in real time? >> right now, we are very much about the latest photos. we have often talked about serving the most interesting photos or a mix of live in the best. it is awesome -- it is often we turn to it and say, it is version one. recent photos of a hashtag. one thing that gets me excited, we have great photos and content. how can we service that in a more fascinating way? photos printedon that gets overwhelming. there is no way we can sift through all of that. >> will you eventually get into the search game? i know you have search within the app, but is that something you will get into on the desktop side so people can say, this window of time, this location, show me the photos? >> i think search is interesting
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for instagram and a different way than it is for google or yahoo. the cool part about instagram photos is that the large majority of them are produced in the moment live. they are basically a real-time view into the world. -- have to ask yourselves one of our product philosophies at the beginning was to solve problems -- we believe every problem we have will solve a user's problem. when we tackle search -- why do you want to search, and how are you going to use search, and what problem is this search going to sell? -- nearby photos is cool, but what problem will it solve? i can imagine going down the street and saying, is that breakfast place and a good? i want to support that behavior. i think there's something to location and topic and people.
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like mike said, i think we have that.rsion 1.90s of one of our visions is a real- time view into the world. whether it is something as meaningful as this one user syrian developer, who takes pictures about the conflict happening in real time, everything from buildings two explosions, to a family friend that lives on the east coast that i keep in touch with through instagram -- it gives me a real-time view into everybody's world. that is super powerful. it is almost like searches happening for you in that it is present in the contact to you that you did not know you were looking for. , i want tock announce to the audience we will be taking questions in a few minutes. if you have any questions, write your name on the card come or you can tweak your questions -- tweet your questions.
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outside of instagram, what are your favorite apps? what are you really liking? what is on your home screen? >> i am dealing with the google reader death process right now, trying to find a substitute. i am playing with a lot of different news apps and saying, i'm using this app called newsler. doing good he is is servicing good recommendations based on what you already like. this news article, i want to see more of this. can we train an algorithm to be better about it? that is my main thing. honestly, i often get home, and i will play with instagram and do some work and then turn the phone off as much as possible. >> i am inspired by music. i listen to music all day. one of my favorite radio stations is in santa monica. it is kcrw.
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they play independent music. we get to visit their studio and take some photos. they actually have an app. it lets me listen to radio that ,s not accessible where i live otherwise it is on your mobile phone. that got me into spotify, which they have an app for. i create playlists grade i discover other people's playlists. pandora, which helps me randomly walk the web of music. those three apps are probably my most used apps on my phone. i think there is going to be a revolution in music and mobile. it is a combination of all three of those. local access to content, but on demand streaming and discovery. those three apps together are my favorites. >> i've got a few questions from the audience. did you guys have full-time jobs
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when you build instagram, and is it possible to be a successful entrepreneur with a full-time job? >> n us did when we but the instagram, things that went into instagram were driven over a long time. i knew how to code ios development. would go to this coffee shop in san francisco. i built an app that was about seeing crimes in san francisco. the san francisco government has a huge data open said. you canay, gi me all the crimes that happened over this time? what is the most interest part? used to go to the bayview and there was so much crime so it would crash the app. there was arson everywhere. [laughter] there was a good time when i -- i wasnd the weekend going to say, it was not the most social thing, but it really was, because often a community
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of people were interested in building. that is how i ran into kevin for the first time since we graduated. he was working on some things there. to answer the question directly, i think to do what we did attention,ll-time but the ideas and knowledge and skills come from a lot of years, and you can develop those while you have a full-time job. the next question from karen -- what is your ultimate goal? i said a couple of times, but i will repeat it, that our mission is to capture and share the world's moments. success to us in the future is hase everyone in the world the instagram app that lets them share what is happening in their lives as it happens with whomever they want. i think why that is important is because part of our human nature is staying in touch. cables duringave
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holidays and we go around the table and have a meal. he stay in touch around these moments. i think that instagram connects people in ways that i haven't seen anything else connect them, through moments in our lives that is everything from a baby's first step to a graduation party to a grandmother and a daughter walking down the street. i have seen all of this on instagram. the ultimate goal is to make that ubiquitous. there are more cell phones and the world, or there will be very soon, then computers. places like brazil, mike is like result, and he goes home and sees more people using cell phones that are connected to the internet on computers. that amount of conductivity with a mobile phone means that instagram can be the key to making sure that we realize the mission. has been askedn a couple of times. joe and david want to know, what does your favorite filter and least favorite filter? >> we've got to say toaster. [laughter]
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know, kevinay not has his dog toaster, an adorable dog. a celebrity dog. we have a filter named after him. i will be diplomatic with that. >> do not answer the other part of the question. i wonder if hours line-up. my favorite filter is rise. not many people know that the reason why it is called rise, it was made by one of our users. he is a very talented photographer that we met in very early on and the beta app to. i remember him using it and us and saying, this is going to be big some day. we thought he was crazy. he believed in us in the beginning. arounded with them creating some filters. if he had some of most beautiful photography on his account, which is @fullrise. it means the world to me that he
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was able to create a filter for us to chip in a mize his photography is about. i least favorite is kelvin. there is a reason is as all the way in the right hand side. there are people that make these decisions on purpose. if we got rid of it, i would have a riot on my hands. honestly, we got rid of two. we had a couple other ones, apollo was another one we got rid of, the lost filters. i will go to a conference, and they will say, you are kevin from instagram. they will say, bring -- bring back awesome. i know not to touch the filters now. use it now,people that is like one million people. that is a lot of people to the angry. [laughter] why the square format on the photos?
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on were thinking about photography, and we wanted to make it easy to compose photos. it turns out when you do not have a square, you have to think about the two thirds rule and, how does this work? with a square photo, it is easy and simple to take a photo and make it look beautiful. another reason was in college, i took a photography class, and they handed me a camera that took square photos, and i was always attracted to that. the real answer is that it is in ato show square photos feed because if you have long photos, it takes up little space, but if you have tall photos, it takes up a lot of space. we wanted something that felt adjustable. all three of those are reasons. iphone about the panoramic mode where you can take these beautiful landscape photos?
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would you ever add support for that revision in or will it always be -- where you could zoom in, or will it always be square? could beof the app built for square, but it could be other ways as well. to go back, what problem is that solving? maybe the problem is you want to see more of what is going on. we're definitely open to it. are always open to new technologies and new formats. i think it is about, what problem does it solve and when? asks, holler back is called the new instagram create what are your thoughts? i am obviously tooled because i do not know what it is. >> half of the audience knows what it is. [laughter] i'm kidding.
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>> a video messaging app. >> is that the ceo of holler back? [laughter] [applause] >> i love it. we just got you like 20 downloads. [laughter] >> christina says, i see that people love making instagram photos -- have you ever thought of making a partnership with a company like shutterfly not only for hosting instagram photos but creating an instagram product line? >> we have stayed out of the physical good space because we said we are not a photography company. whatever we do, we are not making mousepads. we are not making mugs. that is not the business model. it is about the depths of what we want to create with communication and that network. formaling with is a more
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term, but we built the api which is a wave or third-party developers to build products that plug into instagram and let you export your photos to those services. i do not think we are ever going to necessarily build one ourselves, but we would rather partner with others who are doing that. >> people will create instagram printers that will print any photo taken at your event. int my favorite restaurants it -- in san francisco is called nova. on what the walls, they have a a collage of hundreds of instagram photos taken there. that not know about product, but somebody created it because we opened it up. caroline writes and, do you take all of your own photos, or is it the communications teams? >> i definitely take all my own photos. i'm glad they think they are good enough. of our owntake a lot
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photos. if you scroll back all the way in history, a lot are close-ups of sandwiches and not that pretty. i feel a lot of pressure to take beautiful photographs. there are so many beautiful photographers. say to that question, part of what makes people love following people like jamie oliver, justin bieber who are celebrities is that you can tell in almost every case it is then taking the photos. there is no way of uploading on your computer. it is less of a team upload. theis like slc -- selfie in mirror. >> for the longest time, all the photos were of dogs. we were like, wait a second. >> mike, you mention no way to upload photos on your computer. this guy writes in and says, as
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a prototype or for, i post both photos toors and dlr instagram. and you intend for all mediums to be shared? makee decision we had to early on was, do people upload from their cameras? some people take it seriously and say, is it cheating if you take it from a digital camera -- it is cheating if you take it from a digital camera. you define your own rules on instagram. you can have fun and constrain yourself. one of our earliest hires was jessica -- she had a stream where she posted photos with a single filter for a year and a half. that is the game you play. it is all about creating your own rules. >> really quick, for the people in the audience that are just joining us, this is a --monwealth club in forum
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please visit msf. hosting a are conversation with the founders of instagram kevin systrom and mike krieger. two more questions for you guys. later you feel about graham and -- gramming? quick's explain it really -- everybody is quite -- scratching their heads. mming is the idea of taking a photo with your camera at one time and then uploading it many hours, perhaps many days later. if you are at a party and you snap a photo and you decide you do not want to upload it at that moment, but you imported from your camera and share it a day later, that is a latergram. i do not think there is an issue with it. as long as you sure that photo with the world, it is ok. the one thing i will say, the
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reason we do not have web uploading is we want photos to be of real life, and we want them to be of the moment as much as possible. it is all about defaults. gramming is fine because sometimes what i will do is take a bunch of photos, and only after a few hours, i will decide which one i really like. then i will share it. it is a controversial practice. [laughter] >> there are some apps out there does take you back in time one or two years back. is that something you would ever get into on instagram, helping to resurface some great moments you have had in the past? >> some of the things we have launched have what you do that. one thing we added six months ago was the ability to explore your photos on a photo map. that the current way that you could browse history was purely chronological. trip to france the year and a half ago, and if i
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want to get photos, i probably took 1000 photos -- it would be a long time scrolling. on the photo map, it would say, you took four photos in paris. even if you do not use that feature everyday, there are sometimes it is perfect. we also launched photos of you recently. the idea was, sometimes people take a photo and you are in the something,beach or and being able to go back to those photos and saying, i was in that photo -- it is figuring out the ways to slice the information. said hiring the right people was one of the key factors of your success. what skills are you looking for? >> we will do a duo answer. i look for entrepreneurs from a look for entrepreneurs, not just in the traditional sense of people starting in their own companies, but people who go out of their way to find novel solutions to problems, people who love exploring problems just for the sake of solving them. what are it is figuring out how
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to build a model car or somebody who figures out how to build an app to solve a problem that they have an daily life, entrepreneurs that take resources, gather them, and build solutions in the world. >> to me, i looked around -- i will take our infrastructure example -- we have not hired based on degrees. hire almost exclusively college dropouts made our first engineering higher -- >> if you want to work at instagram -- >> [laughter] our first tire dropped out of high school. we have two phd's. finishede who never high school or college. then two people out of college. it is all over the place. me is thatng for curiosity and the ability to pick things up. moderator -- do not hire people who know how to do
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one thing. hire people who are willing to learn. maybe you'll start coding in python and you later need to code and something else. people who have always been this way -- when we wanted to make our filters 10 times faster, we do not say, you need to hire the one person who knows what to do things -- it was kevin and shane sitting in the coffee shop saying, we are going to figure this out. and you do it. it is magical. you figure it out. >> this is an anonymous question. ohs are always the worst. "owns" alltagram posted photos. is that true? >> >> absolutely not -- >> absolutely not. >> the real question is, does instagram claim ownership over your photos as a photographer? absolutely not. never ever would we take any
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rights that mean we can sell your photos or do anything to your photos that are weird. i will be honest, there was a time in december or early january when we review -- when we rewrote our terms of service as a part of joining service -- facebook. frankly legal language is really confusing and can be interpreted in many different ways, so much so that the guys in charge of it one way, and a reporter from another publication reads it another way and decides to say that instagram wants to sell your photos. we never wanted to sell anybody's photos. you own your photos. we are there to facilitate sharing your photos with the world in a way that you want to. what changes if any would you make to the popular page to showcase better images? >> a lot. [laughter] our current popular page right
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version 1.1.y be it is something we have looked at for a while. put that tab in the application as explore. we offer some light ways of exploring -- >> a lot of selfies. >> it is a photo of yourself. [laughter] >> we are on the radio here. excited to think about different ways in which we can personalize that more and say, maybe it is more about where you live and what you are interested in, what your friends are doing great i think there is potential there. that the to-me is do list for instagram is is infinite. we get to pick. >> have you sliced data like that to see what it looks like? twitter allows you to do trending topics based on san francisco. have you looked at in the city, what are the most popular images today? is it interesting data? >> that was going to be my
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point. the explore page is currently a single prescription to everyone. i think that is one of its weaknesses, that if you are somebody who really loves justin bieber and taylor swift, you might want to see a lot of justin bieber and taylor swift content, but if you are a photographer, you might want to see beautiful sunset, landscapes. us figuring out how to tailor the explore page to what you are interested in either it is based on your location or interest or hashtags, we have to figure that out. i think the explore page goes to the core of what i was saying, when we want to be a real-time view into the world. we need to make that page that vision. if there were any tab and our app that really needs to live up to what we said we want to be, it is that cap. >> that is coming next then? [laughter] yes.s like a >> there have been a couple of
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events in the last year, what are our people sharing on instagram? around major events, we always see these interesting updates. for thanksgiving, we set up a tracker that tracked turkey, turkey day, family. anyway, it was really cool to see the spike of photos that talked about turkey's and thanksgiving. it was huge. you could tell people were not sharing random content. they were sharing the moment. the same with the super bowl. hurricane sandy was another one. use optical anticipating -- one correlated words was bored. here is a selfie of me preparing for a storm. it is very real-time. >> we have time for one more uninformednd it is tradition to ask all of our speakers of the following --
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kevin and mike, what are your 60 second ideas to change the world? we live in this incredible time were people around the world -- to require some research to get something out there. and that's unprecedented. at no other point could you build your wear or construct something that could touch people all around the world with just two people. one of the most beautiful moments early on when smartphones were coming out sh it was one of the early apps and you could play something and you would see on the globe another player around the world. it was so moing. so my 60 second spill is we live in this time where you can create connections around the world. and the tools for becoming possible to be able to do that
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are becoming more and more affordable truly excites me. >> we talked not hiring on degrees but that doesn't mean we don't think education is important. one of the most influential factors was the access to educational content online. i believe if we take it from being college classes online to high school classes online to even elementary school classes online we can give people around the world access to content that allows them to learn things and gives access to people to create new jobs, to learn new things. to access parts of the world that you wouldn't have accessed otherwise. and i think that say big part of what made instagram possible. so educational content for everyone wherever and free i
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think will solve the world's problems. >> thank you for being on the show. let's give a big round of pplause to kevin and mike. >> now this meeting is adjourned. >> next highlights from c-span's first season of looking at the live's of america's first ladies. then former president bill clinton and governor chris christie talk about planning for natural disasters. after that a discussion on sidship in america and how it relates to political engagement and community service. >> i feel that we a lot of us
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take for granted the opportunities that we have here . being in other countries, going to other countries i see how other people live and it's wonderful to be an american. i love it. i wouldn't trade it for the world. so i mean we need to is it back and as americans and think. every day is not going to be great but it's better than a lot of other people live in a lot of other countries. so i mean, when we is it back and gripe and complain about this and that, we should all is it back and just think and see what we do have. we're not where we're at but we're better off than where we could be. >> i think it means that we all have a mutual understanding that freedom and liberty leads to great success and that's the reason our nation has been so successful and will continue to
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be. >> i was born here and raised in new york so i always had a lot of american pride mostly because my parents came from india and they didn't have much. and they came to new york because they thought it was the great eths place for opportunities. and i just graduated medical school so they see it as a place where they could come from nothing and bring it up to something. and i think that's what everyone sees america as a place of opportunity and a place where you really can make your dreams come true. i guess that sounds a little cliche but that's the main thing i'm proud to be american because my parents felt that it was better to be in america. and i really think that it really is. >> friday starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern georgia congressman talks about his experiences during the civil
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rights movement. he participated in several famous events including the freedom ride in the south. he spoke about them last month. later part of this year's cable show held in washington will hear from education secretary on the impact of technology on education as well as remarks from entertainer jennifer lopez discussing her new cable network which targets latino americans. also friday afternoon two journalists talk about the future of medicare and whether it a solution for inflated prices. they spoke at an event hosted y the manhattan institute. >> the block oak spot coming west they would leave behind the racism. the sun did shine more benignly
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on them here but they said it was a more cruel kind of racism, a smile on the face but a dagger behind the back is how they described california. they were not allowed to live in any of the cities, teen small towns. so the only land that was available for them were these patches of alkali land. it looks like it's so salty it looks like it snowed there. this was the land that was available to them. and they built their wooden shacks here, no water. they had to go in to town to fetch the water. no city suers, they had outhouses. no police roamed this area. it was a month man's land. >> more on the black oak kiss. african-americans who my grated to bakers field california from the south as we explore bakers field this weekend on book tv
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and on c-span 3. our series first ladies influence and image has travelled to historical sites associated with the women who were called first ladies. over the next couple of hours we'll visit some of those places. before george washington became esident, while he was away fighting the war, martha ran their plantation and their home. when george washington was a way fighting the revolutionary war, martha washington ran their plantation and their home, mount vernon. >> it is clear that martha arrived at mount vernon in 1859 and there was a lot of management that she had to do. when she married george washington, she brings with her to mount vernon 12 housemates. that is really almost unimaginable luxury. these are slaves that are for the most part, not field labor, not producing crops, which is where your income is coming from. they are doing things like cooking, serving at table,
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clean the house, doing the laundry, doing selling, this is not productive labor in the sense that it is not productive income. she brings them with her and she brings financial resources to the marriage as well as her managerial skills. t makes mount vernon a successful operation and it makes it possible for washington to be away for eight years fighting a war. the fact that he has this support system that enables him to volunteer his time and talents to run the revolution is clearly critical. first, a farm manager, who during most literal revolution is a distant cousin of washington. then run by washington as a nephew. -- washington's nephew. and then it is run by his niece. i think that tells you about
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the closeness of the family relationship. it is clear that what they are at mount vernon with martha washington, she does take harge. since her interaction with the slaves, she is interacting with the cooks in the kitchen, the maids serving in the house. there are also slave women who are spinning on a continual basis to produce yarn. she supervises what the gardners are doing. martha was a great lover of gardens and having flowers. she liked having a kitchen where she could go out and bring in vegetables for what they were going to serve at mount vernon. she was the one planning the menus. there were a lot of levels that she is working with. it is a big operation her whole life. the room that we refer to and show off in the mansion as the washington's bedchamber is the
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room in the south wing of the mansion that was started in 1775 right before george washington left to participate in the continental congress and the revolutionary war. george washington always referred to it as open quote mrs. washington's chamber" and -- as "mrs. washington's chamber" and it is always referred to as her area. she spent time in that chamber, doing her hour of spiritual meditation. perhaps later in the date writing letters, talking with her coax -- her cooks to plan menus for the day, giving assignments she also use that room for teaching the children, elling them stories. you can imagine how wonderful it would have been in that


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